Focuses on the export staple and
build on it as long as it remains competitive in the large economic system .In
some instances strengthening the existing specialization may be more sensible
than attempting to diversify the economic base .This theory orients economic
developers to their local economy, Local values, politics and wealth.
Here Economic base theory focuses
exclusively on external demand as the determinant of regional growth .Internal
supply and demand are viewed as relatively insignificant source of income and
employment growth ,Other features of the regional economy including its endowment of natural resources ,the rate of
capital investment and the quality and quantity of the labor force –are free
not addressed .Assume significant production capital implying that there are
unemployed resources /capital and labor within the region that may easily be
Developers can try to expand the
existing economic base in three ways: Industrial recruitment, facilitate the
extension of the export industries already part of the basic sector, Indirectly
facilitate export expansion by improving the efficiency of local public
infrastructure and services.
Work to ensure adequate supplies
of trained labor, Industrial and facilities public infrastructure, affordable
There are new extensive margin
(alternatively ,emerging future infant industries ) opening up everywhere in
the current innervations –intensive
global economy .One need only look at
the policy statements emanating from the major economies to identify those that
are particularly attractive in terms of their characteristics. There are
‘’Battle ground” sectors, with advanced manufacturing typically heading the
In a world where comparative
advantage in manufactured by government policy ,a country that chooses “laisses
faire” is in fact choosing a comparative advantage defined by foreign
governments .One might think of a games of musical chairs where the standoffish
laissez faire player get the seat left open after all the other players have
chosen theirs. What staples theory tells us is that might not be optimal,
depending on the specific characteristics of the economy at land –intensive
extensive margins
By recognizing that due to
interindustry linkages all industries give rise to multiplier effects,
therefore the most rapid rate of growth is not necessarily achieved by
concentration development efforts solely on the basic sector
CRITICISM –As basic for
understanding the reality of the local economic development, economic base
theory offers limited insights .In the form of a quantities model, It can be
applied for impact analysis and making predictions of economic growth only as
long as the structure of the local economy does not change key exports sectors
and local economic structure change over time
Arbitrary, division of dividing
the regional economy into basic and non basic industries ignores the role of
the non basic industries ignores the role of the non basic industry in
supporting and stimulating economic growth.
THEORY: Is the critique, revision
and summation of past knowledge in the form of general preposition and the
fusion of diverse and partial knowledge as general frame works of explanation.
Theory is a distillation of
reflection an practice in conceptual language so as to connect with pas
knowledge .Globalization and regionalization are overtaking the standard unit
of development, the national international institutions and market forces
overtake the role of the state, the conventional agents of development .The
classic aim of development, modernization or catching up with advanced
countries, is in question because modernization is no long an obvious ambition.
Moldering no longer seems so attractive in view of ecological problems ,the
consequences of technological change and
many other problems westernization is no
longer seems compelling in a time of revaluing local culture and cultural
The Universalist claims of neo
classical economics and structure adjustment policies have under mined the foundation
of development studies, the notion that development countries form a special
Development is a field in flux,
with rapid change and turnover of alternatives precisely because of its crisis
predicament, development is a high energy field.
data/29044..nederveen pretre.
The staples theory provides an
interesting frame work upon which provincial and federal policy can pursue
economic development. The staples theory premises that economic advancement
from a developing to a developed economy requires leveraging the potential of
the supply chain in order to increase innovation, expertise, and thus foot hold
in more advanced technologies.
The backward and forward links in
the supply chain represent opportunities for innovation, development and growth
that have the potential to benefit everyone in the system. The methods, mechanisms,
and resource needed to realize this progressive advancement in order to mimic
and exporting order to lead.
The competency
to synthesize and build upon imported (KSA’s) must be largely home grown.
Competitive theory support mimicking international benchmarks and technologies
in order to realize international standards and efficiencies but also
recognizes that this only supports a follower role in international economic
and corporate competition.
The country’s
industries must become supportive of internal competition in order for
innovation, efficiencies, and competencies to be realized. The extent to which
federal and provincial regulatory frameworks protect existing industries from
competition can aid the development will likewise determine and advancement of
national competencies. Advancing from a developing economy to a developed
economy includes advances from a staples based to a technology based economy.
Integration of
backward and forward links in the supply chain with a competitive international
economy requires the constant surveillance of relevant industries for changes
in supply and demand opportunity cost and price fluctuations, and the impact of
changing political landscapes on the infinite number of factors effecting
industry viability.
When the
sustained focus in wards, and not outwards, the result reinforce existing
mechanisms, benchmarks and standards. The competitive patterns that have the
potential to influence increase efficiency and productivity are thus largely
neglected. The countries (or country’s) competitors subsequently and
disproportionately benefit from their opportunity to leverage future visioning
competencies and technologies while the laggards continue to show diminishing
returns on their existing assets.
When backwards
and forward links in the supply chain lacks sufficient coordination and
orchestration, absent vertical and horizontal integration efforts, resources
are leveraged unsustainably and with diminishing returns. A one size fits all
approach to governance may work in the short term but in the long term the
company’s offering become outdated and unresponsive to changing demands in the
market price.
The competitive
landscape is critical for these future oriented competencies to be pursued.
Whether these, these competencies must be internally driven by corporations or
externally pressured from both provincial and federal level is open to debate.
That investment in the development of these national, provincial, and corporate
KSA’s, and support of the competition that influences the realization of these KSA’s, in necessary if
services and product are to remain relevant, efficient and sustainable.
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