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Sunday, April 27, 2014


According to Peacock (1980) Nazism was political ideology formed by Adolph Hitler in German and Nazism was based on Extreme Nationalism, Racism and Expansionism”, it was started in 192 in 101 and become ruling ideology in 1933 after the election which was held in 1932 July,  Made Hitler to become the leader of NAZI PARTY. The word Nazism come from the word (s) Nationalist socialist working part introduced by Adolph Hitler.
Nazi movement made rapid gains after 1929 because it had broad appeal. Hitler attracted disillusioned people. Many of who blamed the young German democracy for Germany’s misfortunes. A humiliating peace treaty, t he treat of Versailles that identified German as responsible  for the Great war and assigned reparation payments to the allies, the hyperinflation of the early 1920 that wiped out the saving of middle class and the suffering brought out by the Great depression.

Nazism had got characteristics in implementing it in German.
Nazi party was anti - semetic, actually Nazi was against with Jews, and the main objective to kill all Jews over the world, in fact German believed that Jews were betrayed German during the First World War. Hence German could be winner in the battle war, but due to betray of Jews German had defeated at that time.
It was against the Jews and wanted to separate and killing all Jews in Germany who were believed to betray Germany during WWI by supporting Tripple Entente power contributed. Much Germany defeated during the First World War (Peacock 1980).[1]
Racism in character was common during the Nazi. The main aimed at making the Germany race of ARYANS superior and better than any race. However Nazi Party could not longer to allow any race in the Germany. Hence all race rather than German had been denied within the German. In fact Hilter had made Nazi as superior and best German party for expelled all Jews and others race.
Also Nazism had characterized anti – maxist ideology. Maxist had ideology of spread the communism over the world. Hence Hillter had oppressed that ideology to spread over the German by forming Nazi Party.
Furthermore Nazi had abolished trade union in and out of the German.

Trade unions were abolished and their funds confiscated and their leaders arrested, they were replaced by German labour front to which all workers Chad to belong the government dealt with guidance and strikes were not allowed.[2]

Hence there was no further trade allowed apart from those organized b Nazi.
Nazi had grolifeired the Army as the pillar of defense and security in the country.

It was common in German during the Nazi party. The Army leadership i.e.  The Army was favored by government in order to protect the Nazi policies.

Army was given first priority to protect the Nazi, hence there was special budget for Army and all leaders were obeyed (1980 Peacock).[3]

Nazi party expressed extreme nationalism and expansionism out and within of the German. However the aimed of Nazi was to make Germany to be very large in territory and trade field. In fact Nazi party under the Hitler had attacked varieties status such as Poland and Australia.
The Nazi attack on Poland, when Hilter’s attack began Poland was still not full mobilized, forty – fire German division and 1,500 aircraft. Launched with lighting rapidly and surprise, completely overwhelmed the polish forces. Denis (1985).[4]
 Apart from the features of Nazi party but also there were factories had to rise Nazi under the leadership Hitler as pioneer of Nazi party.

The Weima Republic Exploitation.
No sooner had the Weimar Republic been established than attempts were made to overthrow it. In such Weimar Republic Government had exploited low class such as peasant, workers and small trader by taxing them.
This was particularly the case with large numbers of the middle class – professional people tradesmen, civil servants and other “White Collar” workers who had been ruined by the collapse of the German Currency in 1923.
As resulting for rising Nazis to promise this class a revived German and better condition.
Nazi was feared to spread communist in German. There were communist risings in Ruhr District and Munich, where the communists controlled the city for more than a month. Hence the aimed of Nazis to suppress communist in German for further – spread.
“Thus Nazis arose so as to  prevent the spread of communion of German by which socialist was opposed by capitalistic countries which had developed  in industries and business category” Arthur (1987)[5]

Moreover there was reflected of First World War in German. German had faced with various economic problems soon after First World War.
The role of Adolph Hitler, he was initiated Nazis and he was supported by many groups of the people as a leader of Nazi party – due to this good policies to the Germans people. Hitler promised people to abolish the Versailles treat condition reviving German economy that was badly afflicted by the First World War and Great depression.
The role of Adolph Hitler, he was initiated Nazis and he was supported by many groups of the people as a leader of Nazi party due to this good policies to the German’s people. Hitler promised people to abolish the Versailles treat condition, reviving Germany Economy that was badly afflicted by the First World War and great depression.

Hitler banned all opposition parties Nazi was only delayed the legal the legal political party. Trade unions were not allowed to operate within German; only Nazis organizations had allowed (N. Nyangwine 2010).[6]

The impact of the Great depression in 1929, this was among of factor that led to rise the Nazi in German. This was afflicted much German economy to decline, example drastic in Agriculture industries and mining activities which lead to profit less trade unemployment  about 6.0 million people lost employment.

The economic collapse beginning in 1929 in the USA spread to all countries as result was result was unemployment, hunger and social discontent over the world, Nazi rose to rehabilitate German economy.
Actually USA stopped giving loans to Germany so as to help to rejuvenate their economy. Hence the Nazis arose so as to the check the great depression by design quick economy recovery.

Weakness of Weimar Republic, Nazi rose due to Weimar Republic government unable to implement grievance of the people in German. This was first democratic government formed after the Men Kuisier William abandoned Germany and fled. The republic formed was unstable. It was hated because of its leaders like general hinder burs who accepted the several terms of Versailles treaty. The democratic government was not supported the people like Army Officers and industrial owner.

Nazis arose to control political stability and abolition Weimar Republic because it had many problems such as lack of support and presence mult – party. Burt let” Berslley (1947)[7]

Furthermore Nazi had gained more momentum due to its role of Nazi policies, there were Economic policies where it was strictly control of price production price profits, investment, trades of foreigners and currently farmers were encouraged to grow more, also social policies on education and can culture books of anti – Nazism were destroyed.


Nazism under Adolf Hitler left both positive and negative effect in political, social and economically in German as well as in the world at large. Various scholars have analyzed different effect as follows:-
First, Occurrence of the second world war was one  of the impact of Nazism in Germany. During the Versailles peace treaty Germany was blamed for the war and she received harsh a punishment. She was forced to sign the treaty  which burdened her much and contributed to economic set back at home German faced problems like unemployment, she was supposed to pay annual compensation of 6.5 billion, Army was  limited  to 100,000. Therefore all these led to a lot of frustration to German she felt humiliated one in 1933 when Adolph Hilter  came  power  started  world  war II.

“In 1939, the Nazi government started world war II by attacking Poland. It soon conjured most European of Great Britain, Russia” Scot (1977:85).[8]
Secondly; creation of one party was dominated in German as the result of Adolph Hitler under Nazi. There was creation of one strong and legal Nazi part in German and deliberate destruction of anyone who opposed the party and its leader.
“In 1934 a people court was established whose function was to eliminate opposition, all political parties were abolished and only the Nazi part was recognized. The centre Catholic Parties were dissolved as were National parties that at the times in the early 1930s were in the socialism with Hilter. On July, 1930 the national socialist party was declared the only political party of the state.(Perlmutter  1977:25”[9]

Thirdly; there was massive destruction of Europe of Jews and other races. Thus he conducted events which the world had never seen before. Hitler devised much human barbaric method of killing and torture. He killed about 6 million Jews and other NOA – races group like slaves, prisoners and the disabled most after only in the same manner as were the Jews.
“The Nazis set up concentration camp where they killed thousands of political opponents and member of religious minorities. The Nazis murdered about 12 million civilians including almost all the Jews who live under German rule” Scott (1977:85).[10]

Fourthly; there was economic development in German Nazism under Adolph Hitler speeded development in German both technologically and economically. For stance Hitler supported industrialization so as to make Germany a powerful and leading imperialist nation in the world.

“Hitler wanted to make Germany self – sufficient that is the country should be able to produce its own food and raw materials. A four year plan was drawn up in 1936 with the aim of making Germany self – sufficient in four. More raw material such as coal, oil, iron and other metals were produced, raw materials such as rubber, fuel and textile were development. New factories and industries were built” Ferriby (2001:1909).[11]

Fifth; there was increase creation of employment. When Hilter came to power in 1933 German was still in the economic depression which leads to unemployment it was Nazi premises to end unemployment where by young men between 18 – 25 years were employed.
“In 1933 five million German were still out of work. It was vital that the Nazis find them jobs; national labour service was immediately set up. This was for young men between 18 and 25 years. They did various jobs such as digging ditches and planting forest” Ferriby (2001:1908)[12]

Sixth; there was spread of dictatorship ideology in the world where by various countries including African countries they started to copy dictatorship type of ruling government.
“Some Africans countries adopted Nazism anti – democratic feature. The notable example was in Uganda under Iddi Amini, Democratic Republic of Congo under Mobutu” Maluka (2008:159).[13]

Seventh; further more there was increase of Germany expansionist policy as a result of Nazism.  Hitler advocated conquest invasion to other nation for expansion of his territory for example Germany conquest Czechoslovakia, Montenegro and Poland in 1939.

Eighth; Education system in Germany was changed due to the  fact that the curriculum emphasized Nazi ideology so that to indoctrinate the child with Nazi opinion.

Education system was closely controlled so that children could be indoctrinated with Nazi opinion. School textbooks were often written to fit in with Nazi theory. History was distorted to fit in with Hilter’s view that great things could only be achieved by force” Mhajida (2008:156).[14]

In generally the Nazism under Adolph Hilter was the system found in German Nazism was political ideology formed by Adoph Hitler in German and Nazism was based on Extreme Nationalism, Racism and Expansionism”, it was started in 192 in 101 and become ruling ideology in 1933 after the election which was held in 1932 July,  Made Hitler to become the leader of NAZI PARTY. The word Nazism come from the word (s) Nationalist socialist working part introduced by Adolph Hitler.

Bentley J.H. (1949) TOUDITIONAL AND EVACOUNTRIES A BRIEF GLOBAL HISTORY. Vol. 4. From 1500 to present, Newyork USA by McGraw – Hill.
Denis N. (1985) MODERN EUROPE 1789 – 1984 SEVEN EDITION (Longman)
 Ferriby, D and Mccbc, J (2001) MODERN WORLD HISTORY FOR AQA SPECIFICATION B CORE; Italy, Heinemann Educational Publisher.
Haberman (1987) THE MAKING OF THE MODERN AGUR SECOND EDITION, publishing company in Canada.
Mhajida, S.S. and Maluka, D.S. (2008), WORLD HISTORY ADVANCED LEVEL; DSM, MCIG Publisher.
N. Nyangwine (2010) HISTORY ADVANCED LEVEL FORM Six published in Dar es Salaam.
Perlmulter , A (1997) MAKING THE WORLD FACE FOR DEMOCRACY: A century of Wilsonianism and its totalitarian challengers; USA, The University of North Carolina Press.
Scott, F (1977), THE WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPIDIA N – O VOLUME 14; USA, Field Enterprise, Inc.

[1] Peackock  (1980)
[2] Mhajida, S.S. and Maluka, D.S. (2008), World History Advanced Level; DSM, MCIG Publisher.  Page 157

[3] PEACKOCK  (1980)
[4] Denis N. (1985) MODERN EUROPE 1789 – 1984 SEVEN EDITION (Longman)

[5] Arthur  (1987)
[6] N. Nyangwine (2010) HISTORY ADVANCED LEVEL FORM Six published in Dar es Salaam.

[7] Berslley (1947)
[8] Scott, F (1977), THE WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPIDIA N – O VOLUME 14; USA, Field Enterprise, Inc. page  85

[9] Perlmutter  1977:25
[10] Scott, F (1977), THE WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPIDIA N – O VOLUME 14; USA, Field Enterprise, Inc. page 85

[11] Ferriby, D and Mccbc, J (2001) MODERN WORLD HISTORY FOR AQA SPECIFICATION B CORE; Italy, Heinemann Educational Publisher. Page 1909
[12] Ferriby, D and Mccbc, J (2001) MODERN WORLD HISTORY FOR AQA SPECIFICATION B CORE; Italy, Heinemann Educational Publisher. Page  1908
[13] Maluka (2008:159
[14] Mhajida, S.S. and Maluka, D.S. (2008), WORLD HISTORY ADVANCED LEVEL; DSM, MCIG Publisher. Page 156

1 comment:

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